🍑 Glute Sculptor: unparalleled focus on glute development is rooted in science and tailored to individual needs. From beginners looking to lift and tone, to fitness enthusiasts aiming for next-level gains crafts custom workout routines that target and shape those glutes like never before.
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Born in Southern California, living in Miami, I always had a passion for fitness and healthy living ever since I was introduced to it at the age of 21. I was not happy with my image and after loosing my father I needed a positive distraction from it all. I believe it’s so important to implement this lifestyle not only for the image but for the mind. This has taught me discipline in myself. Now I use these tools in different parts of my life everyday to become the best version of myself.
I want to use these tools I learned over the years and share them with anyone who may be struggling like I was. I love helping others achieve their goals and show them anything in life is possible if you put your mind to it. Nothing feels better than having the gratitude you did it yourself!